Through an unexpected turn of events, I was able to join the Traditional Needle Turn Applique class at the Historical Society this afternoon. For those of you who don't know, the Giles County Historical Society and the
Giles Arts Council have partnered to present a series of Needle Arts Classes. They are offered about once a month at the Historical Society and have included various quilting and embroidery classes, crochet, tatting, and other crafts. Different local crafters teach the classes and participants are well on their way to a completed project when the class is over. For the Historical Society, it has been a great way to get new people to the site. For the Arts Council, it helps them meet their mission which is to encourage, nurture, and promote visual, performing, and needle arts.

Today, there were 7 of us, taught by the wonderful and enthusiastic Vickie Green. She showed us beautiful examples of applique that we can all inspire to and very ably taught us how to make a heart with rounded corners and sharp points with just a needle, thread, and fabric. Now she says we can do anything!
My attempt is shown and considering I'm not a quilter (and its not quite done yet!), I think I did a pretty good job with my curves and corners. Vickie may be right!